"It must be the shoes!"

I used to be obsessed with shoes, not any kind of shoes, pretty much just sneakers. I would spend hours checking out the latest kicks sometimes paying up to £120 (A stinking lot of Dollars) for shoes....thats kind of embarresing to say. Well my past obessesion is paying off now literally. I dont care about owning the shoes anymore, I just want to find them and sell them to some other sucker that is obsessed. I really enjoy going to thrift stores and rummage sales and looking for vintage sneakers/anything that will sell on ebay......Its amazing what people get rid of. So I went to Value Village yesterday and found an awesome pair of Nike's (above) .....They are a total collectors item and some peeps are selling them on ebay for $300. So guess what I'm gonna do...post them on ebay. I have sold several pairs of shoes before. Once I sold a pair of shoes for $265. So any one have any vintage Nike's they want to donate?
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