Prayer Station News.
Craig and I took the DTS out on tuesday. We prayed for 19 people. We had some very good conversations and learned a little bit more about how to do it.
It was really cool to see the students step out and offer people prayer, a few of them were pretty nervous to beging with.
Neat definition for Courage: Courage is not the absence of fear, but doing what is right and necessary in the presence of fear.
JESUS, Liar, Lunatic, Legend or Lord?
One thing that has stuck out to me recently is that its impossible to be cool and share the gospel. The gospel isn't fashionable and won't ever be. I have also realised that most people believe in God, they just aren't really sure about Jesus. Some think he was "a good teacher" which is really funny becuase they don't seem to know what he really taught and even if they do they don't believe it.....yeah ok. Think about this: every other belief system/religion is trying to do one major thing, devalue Jesus or do away with the need for him altogether. It really makes sense that this is where things are at for most people, becuase as Jesus said, "I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me." John 14:6 msg "So Jesus said again, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that I Myself am the Door for the sheep." John 10:7 applified. This is where the truth gospel lies....THERE IS NO OTHER WAY HOME. Obviously someone is trying to hide the door from us.
Photo taken by my beautiful wife.